Support to Agricultural Cooperatives in Togo (COTPAT)

Within the framework of its partnership with Federcasse, Fondazione Aurora has launched a programme to support the Cooperative des transformateurs des produits agricoles au Togo (COTPAT), a grouping of 39 cooperatives processing agricultural products distributed throughout the Togolese national territory. COTPAT involves 676 agri-food producers and 125 processors of agricultural products.
In collaboration with Federcasse, Coopermondo/Confcooperative and the “Italian pool of BCCs for Togo”, Fondazione Aurora is participating in the project “Développer et intégrer les chaines de valeur dans l’agriculture togolaise par l’instrument des coopératives“, which involves supporting the activities of MIFA (Mécanisme Incitatif de Financement Agricole Fondé sur le partage des risques), a Togolese government agency committed to supporting cooperatives in the agricultural sector.

→ To strengthen the technical capacities of the 39 member cooperatives on national territory employing 676 workers and to promote their participation in the global value chain;
→ To improve the profitability of local production units: 10 Maritime Region, 4 Central Region, 4 Plateaux Region, 16 Kara Region, 5 Savanes Region;
→ To promote consumption and export of local products.

→ Needs assessment and on-site missions;
→ A consolidated partnership with the Director of the cooperatives;
→ The endowment of fixed and working capital of COTPAT member cooperatives;
→ The establishment of working capital: equipment financing and access to short-term credit for cooperatives.


Project partner