“The film industry is a dream come true for many aspiring actors, directors, photographers, designers, editors, set designers, writers, screenplay actors, and many others”

On November 12, 2021, the social enterprise Dagoretti Film Centre launched its official website, showcasing its services and unique approach to audiovisual production.

Dagoretti Film Centre is an enterprise created within the context of the training and audiovisual production, active since 2000, in Nairobi under Amref Health Africa. The Centre, through a participatory method, contributes to bringing out voices and stories from local contexts that are otherwise undervalued.

With an approach anchored on peer-to-peer learning offering a particular point of view on local communities with the eye of an “insider”, Dagoretti Film Centre aims at bringing together the importance of the social process with the artistic result of the products and giving a voice to the voiceless along with returning the dignity and the initiative to the protagonists.

The centre offers a variety of services, from films and documentaries to music and audio production, photography, graphics design and offer live stream services.


Since 2019, Fondazione Aurora, in partnership with Amref Health Africa, have supported DFC providing high-quality audiovisual equipment, technical assistance, business internationalization and social media/website consultancy. Fondazione Aurora has also been a client of DFC committing photography material.

Read more about our partnership: https://www.fondazioneaurora.org/en/case-study/dagoretti-film-centre/

Visit the website: https://dagorettifilmcentre.com